Saturday, December 05, 2009

Bread Is Money And Money Is Bread

"We have free markets."

This mantra is unquestioned around the world in the context of The United States of America. Nobody prevents you from buying the vast majority of products you desire and nobody prevents you from selling the vast majority of products. In broad terms, you can generally do what you wish with your money.

So, the mantra is true: we have free markets.

Or, perhaps before answering the question, we should allow our mind to churn a bit.

When asked by Congress and when giving speeches, Chairman Bernanke affirms his belief in the need for free markets. I am certain if you asked if he was in favor of price fixing, he would laugh at you and say, "of course not. The freer the better, (with certain 'protections')."

And yet, as chairman of the Federal Reserve, he is of course the world's largest price fixer. He controls the monopoly printing control of U.S. dollars and he controls the price and availability of these dollars. He controls who gets newly printed dollars and who does not. These dollars are backed only by the Full Faith and Credit of the United States, rather than by anything tangible. As such, these unbacked currencies are referred to as "fiat" money, as they are commanded into society be fiat, rather than choice.

Bernanke controls the price of dollars through Fed Funds rate implementations (and other similar tools) and he controls the availability in any number of manners, but suffice it to say a dollar's legal name is a Federal Reserve Note, so each dollar is theoretically a liability of the Fed and thus created always and everywhere by the Fed (banks sort of also create dollars through fractional reserve banking, but this is with the Fed's explicit blessing and under the Fed's control).

The price and supply of dollars is not set via market forces, it is set via the collective decision of a dozen or so bureaucrats sitting in the Washington, DC headquarters of the Federal Reserve.

In practice, the majority of those bureaucrats has never dissented from the opinion of the Fed Chairman, so Bernanke effectively dictates the price and supply of money with the advice of mandarins.

Luckily, money's not a very important instrument, so this seems like it shouldn't cause problems.

Everyone knows that is a ridiculous statement, but have you ever thought about what "money" is? I don't mean "dollars," I mean "money," in all its forms.

Money is simply a store of value, of man's productive output. When man innovates and produces above his cost of capital, money becomes more valuable because the same amount of money can now acquire more, different, and/or better things.

Money is exchangeable for goods and services and thus money represents some amount of claim on goods and services. As such, things like bread, milk and financial advice are all embodied in money. It is a fractional claim on everything.

Each transaction in life represents two sides of the same coin. While we generally think of a transaction as money buying bread, another way to think of it is of bread acquiring money. As such, bread is money and money is bread. They are claims on each other. In essence, every good and service is a claim on some amount of other goods and services and money is simply the trusted lubricant in the transaction.

This brings us back to Chairman Bernanke's seemingly benevolent dictatorship of the price and supply of money.

Because bread is money and money is bread, what is Bernanke actually controlling the price and supply of? Is he only price fixing dollars?

Obviously not. He is using an incredibly blunt (albeit convenient) mechanism - the dollar - to price fix everything in the economy.

If you've never thought of the nature of money before, this should scare the absolute shit out of you.

One guy is in charge of all of this?

Further, the Fed is a largely independent body of unelected officials with no meaningful transparency or accountability to We The People. We have handed the economic nuclear football to a bearded Princeton theoretician and told him it would be grand if he didn't use it, or at least use it responsibly.

This is truly insane.

It also means we live in anything but a free market. We live in a market that is manipulated at all times and in damnable ways. Not only are dollars not created and priced via natural supply/demand dynamics, they are a form of money that is manipulated and used to the benefit of certain special interests at the expense of everyone else in an opaque system.

Given this backdrop, in some sense it is almost amazing these United States have been as successful as they have.

I attribute the success we have had to a few things, not least of which is the reality that every country on Earth (that I am aware of) uses a similar or worse methodology for creating and pricing their imposed form of money, so the dollar has not served as a meaningful comparative disadvantage. In fact, its status as the global reserve currency - which is now waning - has been a substantial advantage as it imposed our price control structure onto many nations and global transactions and allowed us to export a good portion of our inflation.

We also have historically had greater freedom from governmental control in other aspects of life than most nations, giving us a further competitive advantage of more freedom, even if incomplete. That gap too is waning as certain other countries grow their freedom and we are actively and aggressively shrinking ours.

Importantly, we built our reputation as a nation of freedom during a time that predated the Federal Reserve and had a reasonably well enforced classical gold standard. We still lean on this reputation today.

The fact that other countries have been more evil than we have is not exactly the stand on which we should endeavor to hang our hat.

We should understand the long-term implications of what it means to live in a society that suffers from governmental imposed price fixing in every market. Some implications are as follows:
1) we suffer a drought relative to freedom that we should have;
2) we can know for a fact that our scarce resources are misallocated and scarce investment capital is maldirected as time and time again has shown the optimal system for directing resources and capital is a reliable price system;
3) the long-term governmental incentive to inflate the currency supply is overwhelming as this form of taxation is largely hidden from sight and fiat money allows it limitlessly. Monetary inflation thus leaves elected officials less accountable than if a more straightforward tax was required. This monetary system thus helps (in the short- to medium-term) the government finance things that are difficult to pay for with new taxes due to their unpopularity like war and freedom encroaching bureaucracy;
4) certain private industries and citizens benefit - these beneficiaries are in essence the early holders of newly printed dollars before they've cycled through the system and impacted prices (e.g., banks, bank borrowers, and wealthy investors) at the expense of holders that see the new money later in the process (e.g., fixed income retirees and middle class workers);
5) we risk our competitive advantage to countries that are willing to be more free than us. Increases in true freedom have everywhere and always improved the lot of the people (see modern day China, for example); and
6) someday we should expect that the build-up of problems caused by the system lead to the system's failure. What that entails is potentially awful. Historically massive wealth loss, poverty, political upheaval, class warfare and actual war are on the menu.

So, have we actually lived in a free market economy during the last few decades, waking every morning to an improving society?

No, we have not. The market will continue to fight against the current system until it breaks, as freedom once held cannot be suffocated, it can simply be constrained. Market freedom is a core freedom and it demands the right to carve its own path.

We now know that bread is money and money is bread - that money, is in fact a small part of everything that can be acquired. We know that as new money is brought into circulation, it dilutes the per unit (e.g., per dollar) claim we have on all goods and services. We know the perverse incentives of fiat money and the near certain direction that fiat money's supply will progress.

With those important pieces of information, you should perhaps ponder whether you prefer holding a money that is 38 years old (the fully unbacked dollar came into being in 1971, after the pseudo-gold backed dollar suffered its demise upon Nixon's command) or whether you prefer a form of money that has been freely selected by individuals in every geography on Earth in which it existed for the last 6,000 years.

Perhaps fiscal discipline will return and monetary discipline will follow. Perhaps government officials will choose to tax less and spend even less in the coming years, easing the pressure on the Fed to debase. Perhaps the Fed will see the folly of its ways and halt or reverse the printing press actions of the past year. Perhaps these things will all happen in the next two or three years before our debt gets past the point of no return.


But I know my preference:


[For more on the meaning of money, read Francisco D'Anconia's brilliant speech linked here]